「カオサン」ブランドのホステルを全国で13店舗展開する株式会社万両(本社:東京/代表取締役:小澤弘視)は、2017年4月、「カオサンワールド天王寺」(大阪市天王寺区)、「カオサンワールド両国」(墨田区両国)をオープンいたします。 プレスリリース(PDF) このたびカオサングループは、日本最大級となる「カオサンワールド天王寺」、都内最大級となる「カオサンワールド両国」を、2店舗同時にオープンいたします。ともに駅前の好立地に構え、様々な部屋タイプをご用意しましたので、国内外問わずあらゆるお客様の、多様な旅のスタイルに合わせてご利用いただけます。東京、大阪、2大都市における当社の新たな旗艦店として、多くのお客様にとっての良き旅の拠点となるよう、ホステルとしての役割を最大限に果たして参ります。 ■2大都市・趣あるエリアに出店、アクセス抜群 <「カオサンワールド天王寺」-ディープな大阪・天王寺- >  昨年、大阪エリア1号店としてオープンした「カオサンワールドなんば」に次ぐ2号店の出店地として選んだのは天王寺。「ディープな大阪」を味わえるエリアとして知られています。  「カオサンワールド天王寺」は、JR天王寺駅、地下鉄御堂筋線天王寺駅、どちらからも徒歩7分以内でアクセスは良好、通天閣、あべのハルカス、天王寺動物園からも徒歩圏内です。また、なんばや梅田などの大阪の主要スポットに、乗り換えなしで行くことが可能です。 <「カオサンワールド両国」-相撲の聖地・両国- >  東京・浅草で創業し、浅草を拠点としてきたカオサングループは、現在、浅草のシンボルである浅草寺を取り囲むように6店舗を展開しています。このたび、当社は遂に「ホーム」を飛び出し、「相撲の聖地」として知られる両国に初出店いたします。  「カオサンワールド両国」は、JR両国駅、都営大江戸線両国駅、どちらからも徒歩5分以内、両国国技館はもちろん、昨今オープンした話題のスポット、両国江戸のれんや北斎美術館からも徒歩圏内に位置します。 ■「ワールド」シリーズで継承するコンセプト「多様性」  2013年オープン「カオサンワールド浅草 旅館&ホステル」、2016年オープン「カオサンワールドなんば」に続き、当社「ワールド」シリーズの第3弾、第4弾となる今回の出店。一貫して軸としてきた「多様性」というコンセプトをもとに、今回も「今までにない宿泊体験」をお客様に提供できるよう、趣向を凝らして作り上げました。  客室は、一人旅やご友人・ご家族との旅行、ビジネスや就職活動など、様々なニーズに合わせてご利用いただけるように、ドミトリー(相部屋)から個室まで、多彩なタイプをご用意いたしました。カオサンワールド天王寺には4名様~16名様まで、カオサンワールド両国には4名様~10名様までの個室がございますので、家族旅行から、サークル等の団体での旅行にも最適です。  両店舗ともに、内装は豪華絢爛な和風デザインで仕上げ、広々とした共用フロアには、当社初となる「足湯」を設置いたしました。客室でゆっくり寛いでいただけるのみならず、館内至るところでご滞在をお楽しみいただけます。   ■施設所在地 <カオサンワールド天王寺> ・所在地:〒543-0053 大阪府大阪市天王寺区北河堀町3-9 ・交通:JR「天王寺」、地下鉄御堂筋線「天王寺」駅より 徒歩7分 <カオサンワールド両国> ・所在地:〒130-0026 東京都墨田区両国4-30-5 ・交通:JR「両国」、都営大江戸線「両国」駅より 徒歩5分 ■株式会社万両について 2004年1月創業、「カオサン」ブランドのホステルを全国13店舗展開する、国内最大手のホステル運営会社。2016年、世界最大のホステル予約サイト「Hostelworld」が主催するアワード、「The HOSCARS」の小規模ホステルチェーン部門で世界第1位を受賞。「店舗展開はエンターテイメント」という考えのもと、ラブホテル、飲食店、保養所、専修学校などの既存物件を、店舗ごとに全く異なるコンセプトを基にリノベーションし、ホステルへと再生しています。「ホステル=外国人バックパッカーのための宿」というイメージが未だ一般的な日本において、国内外問わず、旅のスタイル(一人旅、家族旅行、グループ旅行)問わず、より多様なバックグラウンドのゲストが集う、豊かな時間とコミュニティを創出したいと考え、開発・運営を行っています。 ■内覧会およびオープニングパーティー <カオサンワールド天王寺>  開催日:2017年3月29日(水) ・内覧会 〔一部〕11:00〜13:30、〔二部〕15:00〜17:00 ・オープニングパーティー 14:00〜15:00  会場:カオサンワールド天王寺  参加費:無料(※予約制 事前にご連絡ください) <カオサンワールド両国>  開催日:2017年4月7日(金)  ・内覧会 〔一部〕11:00〜13:30、〔二部〕15:00〜17:00  ・オープニングパーティー 14:00〜15:00  会場:カオサンワールド両国  参加費:無料(※予約制 事前にご連絡ください) 【本件に関するお問い合わせ】  株式会社万両 広報担当:山戸、浜地  電話:03-3841-4960 メール:[email protected]  ウェブサイト http://khaosan-tokyo.com/ja/
Written by on 2017-03-23
Joonas from Khaosan World Asakusa here, with my first blog post! No particular plans for the evening? Did your flight arrive late? Get some blood flowing again after a long journey by taking a walk around the beautiful nighttime Asakusa! Feel the history If you’re staying in Asakusa, a walk through one of the oldest shopping streets in whole Japan, the Nakamise-dōri, is a must! During the daytime the street is bustling with tourists and locals, and even though many of the shops and stalls close well before dark, the lights are left on over the night. The warm light bulbs hanging from the eaves create a beautiful, dreamy atmosphere that's sure to leave a lasting impression. That’s why the Nakamise shopping street is worth visiting at least twice: both before and after the sunset! The difference is like night and day, literally! The Sensoji temple, first opened in the year 645, is also lit throughout the night, making a stroll through the shopping street to the temple district a beautiful experience. Especially photographers will also love the narrow alleys that Asakusa has in abundance! Modern night time silhouettes Only a couple of minutes walk from the Sensoji Temple is the Sumida River, from where you can see one of the most famous views in Tokyo. Standing on the other side of the river, the towering Tokyo Sky Tree shines in multiple colours in the horizon. The tower is at its best after the sunset, as it lights up in various beautiful light schemes. If you’re lucky, you might get to see some of the special light ones, such as the colour scheme commemorating the Olympic games of 2016 and 2020. On the other side of the river, you can also see the headquarters of Asahi Breweries, resembling a foaming beer pint! Next to the office building is the world-famous Asahi beer hall, Flamme d'Or, which has divided the public opinion since it’s construction in 1989. Its unique look has earned it the nickname “Golden Poo”. If you have an hour or so to spend in the evening, you should definitely go out for a stroll around the beautiful and atmospheric nighttime Asakusa! Everything seen here (and much more) is within 10 minutes walk from any Khaosan hostel in Tokyo! Also, remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information about sights, happenings and events in Asakusa! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/khaosanworldasakusa/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/khaosan_world_asakusa/ Cheers and yoroshiku〜 Joonas Khaosan World Asakusa Ryokan & Hostel
Written by on 2017-01-23
Hello, everyone. How is your life going on ??? This is Challin, a crazy foreign girl who is living in Hokkaido, Japan. Time flies, winter this year has began and Hokkaido has already became a crazy FREEZING SNOW WORLD since November . Are you ready to getaway from your country to enjoy the beautiful/exciting/romantic winter in Hokkaido? I guess most of you are can't wait to visit -Sapporo (Perfect destination for Winter City Life, Fun Snow Festival, Awesome Night Out Life) -Niseko(The best for winter sport, powder snow, SKIING,DRINKING,SKIING,DRINGKING ) -Akan Lake(Fishing, Riding(snow mobile), standing on the Ice Lake Akan) -Ice Village(Drinking in the Ice Bar, Staying in Ice Hotel) -Hakodate(Romantic ambiance, Fish Market and the famous nightview from the mount ) Well, that is many things to do in Hokkaido in Winter and i guess you are so excited for everything but you might find out Hokkaido actually is really big and it is not so easy to do a perfect planning for the moving schedule. Transportation is the thing in Hokkaido. (Trains don't run much, LCC flight either fly way too early or way too late...etc) So, i would like to introduce a perfect location for you to stop over either you are on the way to Sapporo, Niseko, Hakodate or the way back to airport to take the flight . CHITOSE CITY WILL BE THE IDEAL PLACE. REASON 1: Convenient JR Train Station JR chitose station connects different JR line and you may get to New Chitose Airport(7 mintues), Sapporo in 30 minutes(direct train), Otaru in 1 hour (direct train), Noboribetsu (1and half hour direct train) etc. REASON 2: Perfect for early departure flight and late arrival flight 15 minutes driving distance from airport and you will never need to worry if you missed the last train or bus, you may get a taxi to Chitose town from airport within 2000yen.(If you have four, that is 500yen for each) **Please don't ever think about to take a taxi to Sapporo from New Chitose airport, that will cost you really a lot. REASON 3: Authentic Hokkaido Town The local festival in summer. (You may see the real festival which is not for tourist). I look forward winter festival though. Check this little town to see how the REAL LIFE IS GOING in Hokkaido. Small local bar, authentic hokkaido cusine in small restaurant which is ran by old man or old ladies who will treat you as their son or daughter. REASON 4: Convenience store everywhere You might think convenience store everywhere in Japan, i am going to tell you that Hokkaido is an exception. You hardly find convenience store in some town in Hokkaido(besides big town) so you will never get stuck in Chitose. REASON 5: Beautiful Shikotsu Lake just around Have you heard about Shikotsu Lake? This is the only lake in Hokkaido which does not freeze even throughout Hokkaido's harsh winter. Well-known hot spring is available near Shikotsu Visitor center. I am so sure that to have a natural hot spring in Hokkaido winter will lead you to seventh heaven.(LOL) REASON 6: KHAOSAN IN CHITOSE Japan biggest hostel chain KHAOSAN GROUP has a branch in Chitose town. They are not only provide typical dormitory room but also private room in very reasonable price.(Even in the high season, they never go too high like others) Huge common space for hanging around !!!! Of course, their common area is huge and comfortable. Well equip kicthen makes you easy to make something by yourself. (Big supermarket is just 3 minutes away) The most important, the staff all speaks english and most of them like traveling, They will so much happy to talk to you. Special hot tea service during winter season. Okay..... Hope the information above will be useful for your winter trip in Hokkaido. Stay tuned and i will write more about Hokkaido. See you around!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Written by on 2016-11-30
Hello everyone!!! 各位親們好。 This is Challin, one of the authors of the blog Chitose Daily Life. 我是這篇部落格千歲的日常生活的作者之一 Challin. As working in the only hostel in Chitose (http://khaosan-tokyo.com/en/chitose/), I've always been asked by our guests that how they could spend their day well in Chitose. 因爲是在北海道新千歲機場區裏唯一一家的家庭式青年旅館上班,所以無論是我們家的客人或是私底下的朋友們都會問我要如何在千歲消磨上機前的最後一天。畢竟,千歲的資料不多,這小鎮也不大,有時要幹嘛還真的不知道的說。 Here is the tips for traveling in the small town in Hokkaido or the whole Japan. Don't ever arrive a town too late if you don't wish to be disappointed. The shop.restaurant and sightseeing spot in the local small town always close early. (Most of them are until 5 pm). 在這裏,我就稍微給大家分享一下自己對千歲的理解和在日本鄉鎮玩的小撇步好了。 如果你不想對日本的小城鎮失望,就請你不要太遲抵達。爲什麽呢?因爲日本的小鎮的商店餐館甚至旅游景點真的很早就收攤。大家工收的早(大概5點),如果不想無所事事困在旅館裏,那麽請你早一點到達目的地早一探索小鎮。 What you should really do is arrive the town in the morning, drop your bag in the accommodation you booked and ask the permission to have a shower to refresh yourself before discovering the town. (if they allow you) 所以我建議你,早到之後,把行李呀包呀全部先寄放然後可以的話和酒店或者青旅要求洗澡之類的以清洗身上的僕僕風塵。 Here is my plan for you to spend a nice day in Lake Shikotsu by having amazing natural hot spring and gorgeous lunch buffet. 回歸主題,以下是我推薦的千歲一日游。健康精緻的buffet和溫泉游 Morning: Take the free shuttle bus from Chitose Station at 11:05am for going Tsuruga Resort Spa Mizu no Uta in Shikotsu Lake 早上:乘搭11點05分在千歲車站的接駁車到支芴湖的休閑旅館。 Noon: Arrived in Shikotsu Lake by 12:05 . The lunch buffet dining time are 11:30-12:50 and 13:00-14:30. At this time you could choose to walk around Lake shikotsu or go for hot spring before dining. 中午:12點左右抵達目的地。由於錯過了第一班的用餐時間,用餐之前可選擇在支芴湖附近散步或者泡個舒適的天然溫泉。用餐時間分爲兩班:1.11:30-12:50 2. 13:00-14:30 Afternoon: Walk around Lake Shikotsu. 下午:支芴湖散步,謀殺相機的記憶體 Evening: Take the shuttle bus by 15:35 from Tsuruga Resort Spa Mizu no Uta or if you would like to spend more time in Shikotsu Lake , you could take the public bus back to Chitose Station by 17:00 傍晚:可選擇下午3點35分乘搭接駁車囘千歲車站或者在支芴湖待到下午5店,乘搭公共汽車(巴士)離開。 ****① You need to make reservation for free shuttle bus and lunch buffet. The shuttle bus is only for people who has a reservation for lunch buffet.無論是接駁車或是buffet都需要在一日之前預約。當然免費接駁車只限於有午餐預約的客人。 ****② The cost of Lunch Buffet only will be 2160 yen per person and the child who is between (4-12 years old ) will cost 1080 yen.午餐的buffet費用是2160日幣含稅,4嵗到12嵗的兒童則是1080日幣含稅。 ***③ The cost of Lunch Buffet + Hot Spring only will be 3240 yen per person and the child who is between (4-12 years old ) will cost 2160 yen.午餐加溫泉的費用是3240日幣含稅,4嵗到12嵗的兒童則是2160日幣含稅。 ***④ Check the official information here: http://www.mizunouta.com/en/dining/lunch.html 詳細的資訊請參考以上網址。 ***⑤ You may ask Khaosan Chitose Recepionist to help you make reservation. 當然我們考山的櫃檯人員可以幫忙預約哦! You might have read our blog article before about Lake Shikotsu. 若是沒看過我們之前介紹的支芴湖文章,可依參考一下網址哦! If you haven't , you may do the revision by the link here below. ↓ http://khaosanchitosenichijou.blogspot.jp/2016/08/hellothis-is-naoki-writing-today-i-want.html Okay, i will upload other information about Chitose soon. Stay tuned and see ya!!! !xoxo
Written by on 2016-10-06